Digesting the Data: New CMS COVID-19 Nursing Home Numbers
Webinar and Q&A
Last week, CMS released the much anticipated data reported by nursing homes to the CDC’s National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) system COVID-19 Long Term Care Facility Module. This dataset is a trove of information about COVID-19 in individual nursing homes. Taken on its own, this data may not be helpful to consumers – including discharge planners and case managers trying to place patients in post-acute care. At CarePort, we synthesized the data. We focused on a combination of data – not just each individual variable on its own – to try to distill the most helpful information for our customers. And now we want to share it with you.
Join us on Friday, June 19 at 1:30 p.m. ET for a 30-minute discussion with CarePort’s Tom Martin, Director of Post-Acute Analytics, and Carey Deitz, Product Manager, to learn key findings within the data, how it will be applied to CarePort products and how to use it in your hospital market.
Fill out the form on the right to register; we look forward to your participation.