The Cleveland Clinic: leveraging CarePort to achieve BPCI-A success

Identifying, tracking and managing patients affiliated with bundled payment episodes is the only way to succeed under BPCI programs, but doing so is difficult and time-consuming without the right data and tools. CarePort recently hosted a webinar with the Cleveland Clinic to discuss challenges they faced when using only their EHR for bundles management – and […]
Navigating CMS’s patient event notification CoP requirements

Since CMS finalized new patient event notification Conditions of Participation (CoPs) – as part of the Interoperability and Patient Access final rule – in early March, we have broken down several aspects of the CoPs to help hospitals better understand what is required to comply by the May 1, 2021 deadline. Below, we revisit some […]
Improving communication between providers for optimized Medicare beneficiary outcomes

According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, one in four adults in the US, and three in four adults aged 65 and older, have multiple chronic conditions. Further, CMS found that in 2014, 30.1% of Medicare beneficiaries had two or three chronic conditions, 20.9% had four or five chronic conditions and 14.5% had […]
How health plans can achieve reduced readmissions using CarePort

Reducing readmissions is a key driver of health plan costs and profits, and significantly impacts performance under the Medicare Advantage Star Ratings program. On average, 25% to 35% of Medicare beneficiaries are hospitalized every year, and approximately eight percent of these patients are readmitted within 30 days. These unplanned hospital readmissions increase healthcare costs – […]
HEDIS Transitions of Care measure: How CarePort Can Help Health Plans

In February, CMS’s 2021 Medicare Advantage and Part D Advance Notice (Part II) outlined proposed changes to the Medicare program for Measurement Year (MY) 2022, including modifications to the Medicare Advantage Star Ratings program and the addition of the HEDIS (Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set) Transitions of Care (TRC) measure from the National Committee for Quality […]
Take Six with Aaron Huffer, Enterprise Sales Executive

How did you first learn about CarePort, and what made you want to join the company? I was actively looking for a new opportunity at the time, and CarePort checked all of the boxes. It’s a company with a worthwhile mission and great products that are actually helping achieve improved outcomes. The executive team was clearly […]
Patient event notification CoP and the role of HIEs

As part of CMS’s Interoperability and Patient Access Final Rule, a newly-created Condition of Participation (CoP) requires hospitals with an EHR to send electronic patient notifications for patient admissions, discharges and transfers to primary care providers (PCPs), physicians and post-acute providers and suppliers. The requirement goes into effect May 1, 2021. Since most hospitals contribute their […]
Patient event notification CoPs: understanding the regulatory landscape

As hospitals work to comply with CMS’s patient event notification requirements as part of the Medicare Conditions of Participation (CoPs) within the Interoperability and Patient Access Final Rule, the team at CarePort is receiving several questions regarding the broader regulatory framework, and how the new patient event notification CoPs fit within this existing framework. In […]
Mount Sinai Health System: transitions of care from SNF to home

CarePort recently hosted a webinar, “Transitions of Care from SNF to Home,” with its client partners at New York’s Mount Sinai Health System. The health system is comprised of eight acute hospitals, 7,000 primary and specialty physicians, more than 3,000 skilled nursing facility admissions per year within its ACO population, and a SNF collaborative with […]
The impact of COVID-19 on hospital readmissions

Recent CarePort webinars led by Tom Martin, Director of Post-Acute Analytics focused on the “new normal” for acute and post-acute care amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Below, we discuss the impact of COVID-19 on hospital readmissions following care at both the acute and post-acute levels, and how CarePort can help your organization reduce hospital readmissions by […]
Take Six with Abhirup Dash, Principal Data Analyst

You began working at Allscripts nearly 9 years ago, and have been with CarePort for 2 years. Can you describe what your position at CarePort entails? I work at CarePort’s Pune, India office as a Principal Data Analyst where I am mainly responsible for three different areas: data reporting, analytics and analysis. With access to all data, my primary job is to […]
Chronic illness patient surges: how can payers prepare?

According to the CDC, six in 10 adults in the U.S. have a chronic disease such as heart disease, diabetes or a chronic lung disease – and four in 10 adults have two chronic conditions or more. Even further, approximately 80% of adults aged 65 or older have at least one chronic condition, and 77% […]