BPCI Advanced: evidence that value-based payment is here to stay
Late in 2017, when CMS cancelled two planned mandatory bundled payment programs and decreased the number of participants in a third, many viewed the decision as a blow to healthcare payment reform efforts. But the recent announcement of the BPCI Advanced program proves that CMS remains committed to leveraging value-based payment models to improve patient […]
Skilled nursing facility incentives help hospitals
At the recent American Case Management Association (ACMA) Leadership and Physician Advisor Conference, a common theme was how hospitals and health systems can leverage upcoming skilled nursing facility quality incentives to achieve more engagement and information sharing from their networks. Through the Skilled Nursing Facility Value-Based Purchasing Program from Medicare SNFs will be eligible for […]
Finally following the patient journey
A short time ago, I had the opportunity to attend and speak at Allscripts Client Experience (ACE) in Chicago. While at the conference I recorded a podcast focused on care coordination. Here’s a preview of my discussion: I got the idea to start CarePort when I was a medical student. My first interactions with patients […]
CMS proposes cancelling select bundled payments
In August, CMS released proposed changes to select bundled payment programs. The proposed rule would affect the following payment programs: Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement (CJR) Model: Currently, there is mandatory participation in this model in 67 geographic areas. CMS proposes to reduce the number of geographic areas that must participate to 34, and […]
Care coordination Summit part 2: managing costs through partnerships and quality care
This is part two of a two-part series about our recent Care Coordination summit in Detroit. You can read part one – covering the benefits of performing a preferred provider network – here. One of the highlights of the event was a panel discussion about what it’s like to be on the front lines at […]
Detroit Care Coordination Summit: benefits of forming a post-acute provider network
Recently, CarePort Health held a Care Coordination Summit in Detroit, Michigan, where local leaders in care transformation came together to share their challenges and ideas. This post is the first in a two-part series that covers our discussions at the summit. CarePort CEO Dr. Lissy Hu began the event with an update on value-based care […]
Three ways to be a better care coordination partner
During our recent webinar, we discussed why sharing data and coordinating patient care across the continuum is critical as value-based payment (VBP) programs continue to grow and evolve. Our co-host, Kim Majick, Executive Vice President at Carespring, represented the post-acute perspective; I gave voice to the acute side, and our discussion covered the evolution of […]
White paper preview: what post-acute care providers actually want from hospital partners
The impact of value-based purchasing (VBP) and shared risk programs has traditionally focused on hospitals and health systems. But skilled nursing facilities and other post-acute providers play critical roles in patient care. Furthermore, starting in 2018, value-based purchasing will extend to post-acute providers, as nursing home payments become tied to hospital readmissions starting in 2019. […]
Three Takeaways for Coordinating Post-Acute Care
In the latest in our series of webinars on post-acute care, we discussed “Coordinating Care After Patients Leave the Hospital.” This month’s installment was led by our guest speakers Nathan Mast, post-acute strategist, and Ron Drees, director of post-acute services, at Mercy Health. Nate and Ron discussed the importance of having a connected network of […]
5 tips from Baystate and Cleveland Clinic on creating preferred post-acute provider networks
Preferred post-acute provider networks have emerged as a strategy to reduce hospital readmissions. We share lessons learned from Cleveland Clinic and Baystate Medical Center when establishing a preferred SNF network. Health systems of all shapes and sizes are creating post-acute provider networks. Recently, I spoke with the Cleveland Clinic and Baystate Medical Center about their experiences […]
What does the election mean for healthcare programs?
The presidential election is top-of-mind for many health systems and will continue to dominate headlines through the transition of administrations. President-Elect Donald Trump campaigned on a repeal and replacement of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The question that many of us are asking is: what does this mean for healthcare providers? Going forward, what can […]
2016 year in review
To cap the year, we pulled together the most popular content from our blog, white papers and webinars. From the IMPACT Act to care coordination to preferred provider networks and the 2016 election, these are the stories that captured our attention: