The evolution of care: An annual care delivery report
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on healthcare delivery in the United States, highlighting the need for increased flexibility, innovation, and resilience in the face of a public health crisis. In this report, based on proprietary data from CarePort, powered by WellSky, we explore the ways care delivery has evolved over the last […]
White Paper: Creating Effective Referral Packets
A crucial part of the patient care transition process is ensuring that patient information is transferred in a timely and efficient manner. The key to achieving this making sure your organization is compiling referral packets in the most efficient way with all the necessary information.
Opportunities & challenges: The transformation of post-acute care in America
Opportunities & challenges: The transformation of post-acute care in America Read the groundbreaking report that reveals how the pandemic changed post-acute care forever. Understand where we’ve been, where we’re heading, and why. Written by one of post-acute care’s most trusted leaders, Sharon Harder, President of C3 Advisors, LLC, this report reviews the current trends impacting […]
Addressing staffing, acuity, & complex care: Succeeding in the new SNF landscape
Addressing staffing, acuity, & complex care: succeeding in the new SNF landscape SNFs are facing new and evolving challenges. From staffing shortages, caring for higher-acuity patients, and needing to coordinate more complex post-SNF care, SNFs must adapt to face these new realities. To address these challenges, SNFs are leveraging key technology solutions to succeed in the […]
SNF Collaboratives: Challenges Associated with Partner Selection, and How to Define and Track Quality
Learn about challenges associated with developing a SNF collaborative, and steps to successfully define, track and measure SNF collaborative quality.
Prioritizing Post-Acute Care in the Medicare Advantage Market
As payers prepare for a Medicare Advantage-driven market and build new processes and infrastructure to serve it, there are many compelling reasons to focus on post-acute care. This white paper explores three reasons why insurers should prioritize post-acute care to better control healthcare costs and quality across the continuum. « Back to all results View […]
Care Collaboration: What Post-Acute Providers Actually Want from Hospital Partners

Survey results from more than 100 SNFs In our recent survey, we found that SNFs often do not have access to basic information on VBP patients and key performance indicators on which health systems and ACOs measure success. Register to access the full survey results that illustrate how skilled nursing facilities play a critical role in patient care, but are often […]
IMPACT Act Readiness Study

View the results of a survey of 80 health systems on how they are responding to the IMPACT Act and proposed changes in discharge planning. « Back to all results View the Whitepaper
Towards Value-Based Discharge Planning

Learn how leading health systems are responding to regulatory pressures that are driving changes in hospital discharge planning « Back to all results View the Whitepaper