WellSky Spotlight Awards: Leadership in Action | Cleveland Clinic

From the WellSky blog: This year at CareForum, we presented our inaugural WellSky Spotlight Awards. These awards recognize clients who have been true partners to WellSky and have pushed us to new limits, enabling greater capabilities for all our clients. Leadership in Action Award The Leadership in Action Award recognizes a client who works with WellSky to […]
Best Practices for Referral Management

Post-acute care (PAC) providers rely on referrals from acute care settings to grow their businesses and drive revenue. Current trends such as taking on risk, participating in value-based care, and the modernization of discharge planning, mean PAC providers will need to prepare for a new landscape of care. As the PAC landscape continues to […]
Takeaways from the Chicago Care Coordination Summit

CarePort® powered by WellSky® recently hosted The Chicago Care Coordination Summit as part of their Thought Leadership Series, which features educational programs detailing how health systems and hospitals are tackling the most pressing issues in care coordination and post-acute care management. The Chicago Summit was a rare opportunity for thought leaders in the Chicagoland area […]
The ACO REACH Model: Your Questions Answered

Earlier this year, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Innovation Center announced that the ACO Realizing Equity, Access, and Community Health (REACH) Model will replace the Global and Professional Direct Contracting Model (GPDC) on January 1, 2023. Read on to learn more about how the new model is different, how it will impact […]
Patient Matching: It’s more complicated than you think

According to HealthIT.gov, patient matching is “the identification and linking of one patient’s data within and across health systems to obtain a comprehensive view of that patient’s health care record. At a minimum, this is accomplished by linking multiple demographic data fields such as name, birth date, phone number, and address.” It seems straightforward: a […]
Take Six with Rhonda Colson, Project Manager

Can you start by sharing how long you’ve worked at CarePort, and what drew you to the company? Technically, I’ve worked at CarePort since August 2021. However, I began consulting for CarePort three months before that, in May 2021. I also worked for Extended Care Information Network (ECIN) – which was acquired by Allscripts in 2008 […]
PPCP and CarePort: complex care management

CarePort recently hosted a thought leadership webinar with Preferred Primary Care Providers (PPCP), the largest independent primary care practice in Western Pennsylvania. Prior to implementing CarePort, PPCP struggled to understand real-time events emergency department (ED) visits, readmissions, and referral patterns from hospitals and post-acute providers, and relied upon data from various sources – including ADT […]
PPCP and CarePort: real-time patient management

CarePort recently hosted a thought leadership webinar with Preferred Primary Care Providers (PPCP), the largest independent primary care practice in Western Pennsylvania. Joining us for the discussion were Justin Dunn, Director of Operations and Planning; Vanessa Blaha, MSN, MBA, RN, Director of Care Management; and Stewart Gregerson, Operations Business Analyst all from Agilon Health, PPCP’s […]
Ambulatory providers: achieving TCM success

As hospitals and health systems increasingly rely on ambulatory care providers to support patient care outside the four walls of a hospital, ambulatory providers must work to ensure a patient’s successful transition and recovery when moving from one care setting to another – such as from the hospital to the home. To improve patient transitions […]
Achieving success in skilled nursing after COVID-19

After a trying 2020, long-term care leaders must reimagine how to provide care to those they serve. During a recent webinar hosted by WellSky, Teresa Remy, director of clinical services at LeaderStat, reviewed emerging trends and best practices to help long-term leaders position their organizations for success – and most importantly, to ensure patients receive high-quality care – in […]
Roundtable takeaways: home- and community-based care, and new care models

CarePort recently hosted a virtual executive roundtable with Dr. Lissy Hu, CarePort CEO and founder, Mike Ipekdjian, Manager of Clinical and Solution Architects, and Mark Heron, Vice President. Alongside attendees from the healthcare industry, Lissy, Mike, and Mark held an interactive discussion centered around the current state of care coordination amidst a backdrop of COVID-19, […]
Pre- and post-pandemic: comparing SNF quality ratings

In March 2020, CMS announced a temporary freeze to measures and ratings across the Five-Star domain spectrum to allow nursing homes to prioritize resident and staff safety during the COVID-19 pandemic. In January 2021, CMS resumed calculating Nursing Home Compare data – though SNF Quality Rating Program (QRP) data remains frozen through 2022. Below, by […]